Surat Al Maidah Ayat 59. Read and learn SurahMaidah [559] to get Allah’s blessings Listen SurahMaidah Audio mp3 AlQuran on Islamicfinder.
Isi Kandungan Surat Al Maidah Ayat 48 Bunyi Tafsir Lengkap from
Surat AlMa’idah ayat 59 Ayat ini dan ayat setelahnya (59 dan 60) merupakan bantahan terhadap celaan mereka kepada agama Islam dan kaum muslimin Yakni apakah menurutmu kami salah dan tercela hanya karena kami beriman kepada Allah semua kitabNya dan semua rasulNya dan menyatakan bahwa orang yang tidak beriman kepada semua itu kafir lagi fasik?.
Surah Al Maidah (The Table Spread with Food) Ayat 59, Al
5/AlMa'idah59 Say “O people of the Book! Do you resent us for no other reason than that we believe in Allah and in what has been sent to us and what was AlMaidah59Surah 5The Table Spread with Food (AlMaidah) Verse# 59 / Islam in Quran (Read Qur'an in English Listen Qur'an).
Surah AlMa’idah Ayat 59 (5:59 Quran) With Tafsir My Islam
SurahAlMaidah (The Table Spread with Food) 59 Verse verse AlMaidah (The Table Spread with Food) 59 559 Say O followers of the Book! do you find fault with us (for aught) except that we believe in Allah and in what has been revealed to us and what was revealed before and that most of you are transgressors? Author The Noble QuranOccupation Quran Translated.
AlMaidah59, Surah 5The Table Spread with Food (AlMaidah
Isi Kandungan Surat Al Maidah Ayat 48 Bunyi Tafsir Lengkap AlQur'an Surat AlMaidah Ayat ke59
Recite Surah Maidah, Ayat 59 [5:59] Al Quran IslamicFinder”
Surat AlMa’idah Ayat 59 Arab, Latin, Terjemahan Arti Bahasa
59 Say “O People of the Scripture! Do you criticize us for no other reason than that we believe in Allah and in what has been sent down to us and in that which has been sent down before (us) and that most of you are rebellious” 60.