Streaming Radio Kusuma Fm Cilacap. Kusuma FM Cilacap Written By Jogja Streaming Radio Online on Friday November 12 2010 | 321 AM Radio From Indramayu Bandung Genre Source/Homepage Tweet Labels Semarang Radio Streaming 0 comments Post a Comment Newer Post Older Post Home Search Others Radios Populer Radio Radio Koncotani Radio Swara Koncotani AM 702 kHz Jogja Radio.

Radio Kusuma FM is located at Jl No 219 Kedungreja Kab Cilacap Telp 0280 523951 is on the strategic transportation route that is what people often call the PANCIMAS Line (Pangandaran Cilacap BANYUMAS) and SOUTH South Road which is being built has the Vision to Create Radio Kusuma as a means of entertainment and information that is professional and famous for.
FM radio stations in Cilacap Times on this website are shown in UTC (GMT) Local time in Cilacap is UTC + 7 hours Radio stations frequencies and contact details for Cilacap Indonesia Frequency Power Name Address Notes FM radio stations in Cilacap (frequencies in MHz) 876 MHz PT Radio Cilacap Indah Swara (Power Radio) Masjid Baiturahim Komperta Gunung.
Radio Kusuma FM, Indonesia Listen Free Radio Online Live
Kusuma FM radio station 994 broadcast live from Cilacap located in Central Java province Indonesia Kusuma 994 FM radio broadcasting and presents listeners with music dangdut campursari pop and ethnic Facebook facebook@RadioKusuma Crew Mardiyo Gery Fais Didi Ki Dengkek Crew lama Rifa Kusuma FM 994 Cilacap Location Cilacap Indonesia.
Radio Kusuma Cilacap Facebook
Radio Kusuma FM Cilacap dibawah PT RADIO KUSUMA DIRGANTARA KRIDA Studio beralamat di jlPenatusan no 219 Kedungrejo Kab Cilacap 53263 format siarannya berupa berita dan hiburan yang mengedepankan para ibu ibu dengan prosentasi 60% untuk wanita dan 40$ untuk pria untuk lebih lengkapnya komposisinya sbb Pemberitaan 10% dialog interaktif 10% informasi aktual.
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Jogja Streaming Radio Online Kusuma FM Cilacap
Radio Kusuma FM Cilacap
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