Sinonim Artifisial. Synonyms for artificial include fake false bogus mock sham imitation simulated counterfeit spurious and synthetic Find more similar words at wordhippocom!.
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artificial English Thesaurus 1 artificially formal (adjall) similar affected unnatural definition speaking or behaving in an artificial way to make an impression (adjall) 2 contrived by art rather than nature (adjall) similar arranged staged definition deliberately arranged for effect (adjall) similar bionic definition having particular physiological functions augmented or.
Artificial Synonyms Collins English Thesaurus
Another word for artificial made in imitation of a natural product | Collins English Thesaurus.
Artificial synonyms Best 86 synonyms for artificial
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Artificial Definition & Meaning
Synonyms for FAKEartificial bogus dummy ersatz factitious false faux imitation Antonyms for FAKE genuine natural real authentic bona fide unfaked.
16485 Tiu Sinonim Pdf Jumlah Soal 50 Butir Waktu 35 Menit Petunjuk Jntuk Soal Nomor 1 Sampai Dengan Nomor 50 Pilihlah Kata Yang Sama Artinya Atau Course Hero
Artificial antonyms 465 Opposites of Power Thesaurus
artificial Dictionar de sinonime
ARTIFICIAL Synonyms: 46 Synonyms & Antonyms for …
Synonyms for artificial List of English synonyms
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ARTIFICIAL in Thesaurus: 1000+ Synonyms & Antonyms for
What is another word for fake? Fake Synonyms WordHippo
Artificial Dictionar de sinonime
Apa itu artifisial? definisinya Pengertian artifisial dan
What is another word for artificial? Artificial Synonyms
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