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OverviewHistoryPersonality”The person who stole that stuff was the old me Once I got airbending I changed I don't know how to explain it but I feel like airbending chose me for a reason like I'm a new person” — Kai to Korra Early life Kai grew up as an orphan When he was finally adopted by a nice family in 170 AG he took advantage of their kindness by stealing their life savings and spent six months on the run from Earth Kingdom authorities 171 AG Joining Team Avatar Kai was accepted into the new Air Nation despite his mischievous nature Following Harmonic Convergence Kai soon discovered he possessed airbending Soon after he encountered Team Avatar who was searching for airbenders to rebuild the Air Nation While living by himself as an orphan Kai sported a cunning and opportunistic attitude and he would deceive and use those around him to benefit himself However when he allows himself to get to know the people around him he shows a more emphatic and compassionate side as evidenced by how he appreciated Jinora training him in airbending as well as how he protected Yung against the Dai Li He is protective of those whom he holds dear and is willing to be merciless to ensure their safety such.