Myzone Meps Levels. The Myzone zones (GRAY BLUE GREEN YELLOW & RED) are directly tied to your estimated MHR in the Myzone system Here’s a breakdown GRAY Zone 5059% of MHR BLUE Zone 6069% of MHR GREEN Zone 7079% of MHR YELLOW Zone 8089% of MHR RED Zone 90100% of MHR.
100 Meps Three Workouts To Get To Your Goals from Myzone
This equates to 1300 MYZONE Effort Points (MEPs) per month so MYZONE has based your status level on achieving 1300 MEPs for a specific number of months Breakdown of the MYZONE Status Levels Note that you will begin with “No Status” until you earn 1300 MEPs You can’t buy your MYZONE Status You can’t fasttrack it.
Myzone Breakdown: Earn MEPs and Rank Up
Each of the five colour zones represents a percentage of your maximum heart rate ( MHR ) This is calculated specifically to you when you start training with Myzone The grey blue and green zones are bestsuited to warm ups low intensity movements meditation flow exercises strength and conditioning work and cool downs.
Myzone Effort Zones Heart Rate Fitness Zones
MYZONE provides you with the data you need and comes equipped with a unique point system that pushes you to put more effort into your exercise MEPs is an acronym for MYZONE Effort Points and it's the metric by which everything is measured in the fitness tracking system.
100 Meps Three Workouts To Get To Your Goals
Get Motivated with Myzone Status
Myzone Status Ranking Explained – Myzone Help Center
What are MEPS? – Myzone Help Center
This equates to 1300 Myzone Effort Points (MEPs) per month so Myzone has based your status level on achieving 1300 MEPs for a specific number of months Breakdown of Status Levels Like your fitness level your Status will drop if you do not earn at least 1300 MEPs for any given month.