Karakteristik K. They are available in different characteristics (BCDKZ) configurations (1P1P+N2P3P3P+N4P) breaking capacities (up to 6 kA at 230/400 V AC) and rated currents (up to 63A) All MCBs of the product range S200 comply with IEC/EN 608981 IEC/EN 609472 UL1077 allowing the use for residential commercial and industrial applications Bottomfitting.

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Hypothesis Definition & Meaning MerriamWebster
They are available in different characteristics (BCDKZ) configurations (1P1P+N2P3P3P+N4P) breaking capacities (up to 6 kA at 230/400 V AC) and rated currents (up to 63A) All MCBs of the product range S200 comply with IEC/EN 608981 IEC/EN 609472 UL1077 allowing the use for residential commercial and industrial applications Bottomfitting.