Eos 760D Wiki. Canon EOS 750D / EOS 760D Från Wikipedia den fria encyklopedin Canon EOS 750D Typ Digital autofokus / AE reflexkamera Lins EF och EFSobjektiv Linsanslutning Canon EFS bajonett (inklusive EFobjektiv) Bildsensor CMOS Sensorstorlek APSC (223 mm × 149 mm) Upplösning 242 megapixlar råa 6000 × 4000 pixlar Formatfaktor 16 Bildförhållande 3 2 Filformat JPEG.

Canon EOS 750D Canon EOS 750D De la Wikipedia enciclopedia liberă Canon EOS 750D EOS Rebel T6i EOS Kiss X8i Prezentare generală Tip Cameră reflexă digitală cu un singur obiectiv Eliberată 6 februarie 2015 Obiectiv Obiectiv Interschimbabil ( EF EFS ) Senzor / mediu Tipul senzorului CMOS Dimensiunea senzorului 223 × 149 mm ( format APSC ) Rezoluție.
Canon EOS 760D Sensor Info & Specs digicamdb.com
Ease of UseImage QualitySample ImagesSample Raw ImagesConclusionThe Canon EOS 760D/Rebel T6s is the latest in a long line of cameras which whilst undergoing regular revisions haven’t always been significantly upgraded The biggest case in point is Canon’s venerable 18MP sensor which first appeared in the 550D/Rebel T2i and has been trailing the performance of competing sensors for a couple of years Thankfully Canon has now put thinMissing wikiMust include.
Canon EOS 750D / EOS 760D abcdef.wiki
Overview760DFeaturesPredecessor comparisonSensor issuesExternal linksThe 760D was announced together with the EOS 750D (known as the Rebel T6s in the Americas and the 8000D in Japan) It is very similar to the 750D but adds the following features • An LCD information display on top of the body a feature never before available in the EOS xxxD/Rebel digital line The last previous consumerlevel body with an LCD display was the 35mm filmera EOS 3000N/Rebel XS N Text under.
Canon EOS 750D Canon EOS 750D abcdef.wiki
Canon EOS 750D / EOS 760D De Wikipedia la enciclopedia libre Canon EOS 750D Escribe Autoenfoque digital / cámara réflex AE Lente Objetivos EF y EFS Conexión de la lente Bayoneta Canon EFS (incluye objetivos EF) Sensor de imagen CMOS Tamaño del sensor APSC (223 mm × 149 mm) Resolución 242 megapíxeles 6000 × 4000 píxeles sin procesar Factor de formato.
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Canon EOS 750D / EOS 760D abcdef.wiki
Canon EOS 750D / EOS 760D abcdef.wiki
Canon EOS 750D / EOS 760D abcdef.wiki
/ EOS 760D Canon EOS 750D abcdef.wiki
Canon EOS 750D / EOS 760D Из Википедии бесплатной энциклопедии Canon EOS 750D Тип Цифровая автофокусировка / зеркальная камера AE Объектив Объективы EF и EFS Подключение объектива Байонет Canon EFS (включая объективы EF) Датчик.