Bijuu Ekor 1. Menangkap Bijuu ekor 8 Hachibi Sasuke mendapatkan tugas dari Tobi untuk menangkap Hachibi ekor 8 yang ada dalam tubuh Killer Bee Dalam pertarungannya Sasuke dan temantemannya (Tim Taka) kesulitan mengalahkan Hachibi meskipun is sudah mengeluarkan Tsukoyomi dan Amaterasu Pada akhirnya Hachibi mampu meloloskan diri dan mengelabuhi.

Kurama (九喇嘛 Kurama) more commonly known as the NineTails (九尾 Kyūbi) was one of the nine tailed beasts Centuries of being regarded as a mindless monster and sought after as a tool for war caused Kurama to hate humans After being sealed into Naruto Uzumaki Kurama attempts to maintain its cynical perspective about the world but with Naruto’s insistence on.
11 Bijuu Names and Each Jinchuuriki From Naruto Shippuden
Strength Bijuu with the highest physical strength firing lava and volcanoes emitting green flames 5 Kokuo Ekor Lima (Gobi) Kokuo is shaped like a horse but with a round head like a dolphin and has five horns on his head Its name is taken from the ancient Japanese pronunciation which means “peaceful and beautiful” or “humble and dignified” in accordance.
Jinchuuriki Dan Bijuu Ekor 1 9 Panda Mz
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