Antonim Permanen. Synonyms for permanent include eternal everlasting lasting perpetual enduring abiding constant persistent perennial and immutable Find more similar words at.
Persamaan Kata Mapan from Persamaan Kata
Permanen Terdapat 5 antonim kata ‘permanen‘ di Tesaurus Bahasa Indonesia Antonim kata permanen adalah berubah fana labil goyah bimbang Berikut ini adalah daftar lengkap antonim permanen menurut Tesaurus Bahasa Indonesia.
56 Sinonim Permanen Tesaurus Bahasa Indonesia
Synonym dari permanen atau persamaan kata Terdapat juga antonym lawan kata tesaurus Inggris dan Indonesia dari permanen.
Antonim Selamanya di Tesaurus Bahasa Indonesia
Opposite Of Permanent Antonyms of Permanent Meaning and Example Sentences Antonym opposite words contradict each other and meet opposite meanings A word has synonyms as well as antonyms When we learn a language when we learn a word in that language it will be very useful for us to learn both the opposite and the synonyms of this word.
Antonyms for permanent List of English antonyms
This site allows you to find in one place all the synonyms and antonyms of the English language Synonymsthesauruscom is more than 70800 synonyms and 47200 antonyms available Here you use the antonyms for permanent These antonyms of the word permanent are provided for information only.
Persamaan Kata Mapan
More 70 Permanent Antonyms. Full list of opposite words of
5 Antonim Permanen Tesaurus Bahasa Indonesia
Permanent antonyms 408 Opposites of Permanent
Opposite of Permanent, Antonym of Permanent, 6 Opposite
93 Synonyms & Antonyms of PERMANENT Merriam …
PERMANENT Synonyms: 32 Synonyms & Antonyms for …
Antonym of permanent
Antonyms for permanent
What is another word for permanent? Permanent Synonyms