A Level Law Online. This A Level Law course is exactly the same as an A Level you would study at school or college meaning you will take the same exams and get the same qualification The only difference is that our courses are designed to be studied from home at your own pace and you will receive full tutor support via email.

Live lectures and classes for A Levels Law Students Join our Regular Program starting 5th October 2020 to 20th March 2021.
Online A Level Law // Take an online ALevel in Law
On this online Alevel Law course you’ll explore the English legal system private law public law and legal skills You’ll delve into criminal law examining how morality is balanced with justice as well as the how tort law is used to resolve civil claims You’ll study the rules and principles of law itself and investigate the effects that various laws have on people and society in general.
A Level Law Online A Level Open Study College
A Level Law Exam code 7162 Delivery method Online A Level duration 360 hours over 24 Months Entry requirements No prior qualification needed Award achieved AQA A level Law Awarding body AQA The law A level gives you a good grounding in all aspects of legal practice Offer Count 4Price Range £7735 £8479.
ALevel Law Course Online: Awarded by AQA Oxbridge
The Law A level is divided into two oneyear sections – the 1st year course (matching the old AS level) and the 2nd Year course (which used to be called A2) AQA no longer sets AS exams in this subject Each lesson begins with a set of clearly stated objectives and an explanation of its place in the overall programme of study.
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A level Law online NEC distance learning
A Level Law Oxford Open Distance Learning Learning
– Live Online Classes A Level Law
Our A level Law online course explores the English legal system and substantive law including criminal and civil law With the support of a personal tutor you’ll consider different scenarios applying legal rules constructing arguments and evaluating key legal issues and concepts as you progress If you’re planning to study law at university A level Law provides a strong headstart in fundamental areas of this complex subject.