A B 1. a b = a + (b) Closure Property of Multiplication Product (or quotient if denominator 0) of 2 reals equals a real number Multiplicative Identity a * 1 = a Multiplicative Inverse a * (1/a) = 1 (a 0) (Multiplication times 0) a * 0 = 0 Associative of Multiplication (a * b) * c = a * (b * c) Commutative of Multiplication a * b = b * a.

PDF file1 ∈ B too So x 1 ∈ A ∩ B and hence y = f(x 1) ∈ f(A∩B) 1222 (b) Prove that f(A \ B) = f(A) \ f(B) for all AB ⊆ X iff f is injective Proof Set difference is intersection with the complement so this proof mimicks the proof in (a) =⇒ Let x 1x 2 ∈ X be arbitrary with f(x 1) = f(x 2) Let A = {x 1} and B = {x 2} By assumption f(A\B) = f(A)\f(B) = {f(x.
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Show that |(bc b + c 1) (ca c + a 1) (ab a + b 1)| = (a – b) (b – c) (c – a).
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